New York Style Pizza Tutorial - learn the tricks and tips to make the best New York style pizza at home! It's so easy!

Hi guys! I am super excited about today's post because my Hubby is here to share a tutorial on making the best homemade New York Style pizza! He has been working on this style pizza for a few weeks and I can tell you that it is amazing! You may know that he already shared a photo-loaded tutorial on making the best homemade pizza at home and so many of you made and it and say it really is the best and you love it and make it often! We love the comments and messages! Thank you so much for sending them our way!
So let's talk New York style pizza, folks!
Disclaimer: This is not an exact Neapolitan recipe. To do so, you would need a direct supplier of ingredients from Italy and a pizza oven capable of 1000 degrees F. This is a make-at-home version with easily obtainable ingredients to make a New York Napoli Pizza Crust.
This tutorial post is for fans of the New York style, chewy, crunchy, salty, thin crust pizza that would love to recreate it at home. It's easy! All you need to know is a few tips and tricks and you will be enjoying your favorite pizza in no time!
If you happened to come across our best homemade pizza tutorial, it would have shown you the basics of making a great homemade pizza crust. We highly recommend going through it first if you are a beginner in making pizza from scratch. The principal of pizza dough is the same, but of course there are many variations with multiple outcomes.
The first major difference is that this recipe doesn't require using any sugar. Sugar is a quick source of food for our yeast which allows our pizza dough to rise quickly. This means our prep time is going to be longer then our basic pizza dough. As with any pizza dough, the longer it has to rise the better, but in this house, if it cant be done fairly quickly its just not going to work. Have no fear! This is doable if you start earlier in the afternoon (or if by some miracle can plan the night before) and the dough can rise within 3-4 hours.
Second difference is in the flour we use to make this type of crust. Generally pizza dough contains water, yeast and all purpose flour, maybe a pinch of salt for taste. Neapolitan version calls for what they class as '00' flour which may be hard to find at your local supermarket. To get around this, we are going to use a cup of cake flour. Again, something that might not be easy to find at our local grocery store. But... we can make it at home easy-peasy (see here). This is going to help give the thin crust a slightly but not too chewy texture. We are also using 2 tablespoons of salt (yes, that's more than you would expect!).
Third difference is the time and temperature we bake the pizza in. As I said in the disclaimer above, Neapolitan stye pizza is cooked hot and fast, at almost 1000 degrees for 3-4 minutes or less. Our oven will go up to 550 as I imagine yours will as well.
1) in a small bowl sprinkle a teasppon of active dry yeast into 1 ¼ cups of warm (not hot, not cold) water. Let it soak in for a minute or so, then stir it to dissolve.
2) in a large mixing bowl, combine 1 cup of cake flour, 2 ½ cups of all purpose flour and 2 tablespoons of salt. Pour in the yeast mixture a little bit at a time and stir the mixture until you have a doughy substance.
3) sprinkle a little flour on a flat surface and scrape the dough out of the bowl onto it. You will prob needs a bit of flour on your hands and start to knead it, squishing it, turning it over, continue to add flour until its not super sticky. I try not to over knead it, so as soon as it looks kinda uniform and not sticking to your hands or the countertop - you'r good. Form it into a ball.
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4) Wash the bowl you used for mixing the dough and coat it lightly with oil. Place the dough in the bowl to rise. It needs a slick surface to not get stuck on.) It's good to roll the dough ball in the oil so it isn't dry. Cover the bowl with saran wrap or a paper towel and let sit in a warm, place for about 1-2 hours to double in size.
5) Sprinkle a little bit more flour on your work surface and hands to make working with the dough easier. Shape the dough into a log, then cut into 2-4 pieces how ever many pizzas you are wanting to make. Shape each piece into a ball. Let them sit on you countertop with a light dusting of flour and lightly cover them again. Another 1-2 hours and they should double in size again and then we are all ready to go!!
6) Half of an hour before we are ready to bake the pizza, preheat the oven to 550 degrees F. If you have a pizza stone (we highly recommend using one), place your pizza stone on the lowest rack while the oven is preheating.
7) Take one of your dough balls and flatten into the shape and size you want. Form a slight edge. Top the dough with desired toppings. Place on a pizza peel. If you dont have a pizza peel find something flat and lightly flour it to make sliding the pizza onto the stone quick and easy.
8) Bake each pizza for about 5-6 minutes. Some of the edge crust will slightly blacken, no worries its suppose to and it will enhance the flavor.
Let the pizza cool for 10 minutes and serve.
We hope that you will find this tutorial helpful and inspiring and that you will try and make the best New York Style pizza at home!
Dawn says
Is there a way to print this recipe?
Anna says
Hi Dawn! In the recipe box, there is a Print Recipe button. I hope that helps!
Loretta Jones says
Is there a way to print this recipe?
Stephanie says
Just wanted to say that I made this for my 2 kids, both under 5, for dinner tonight and they loved it. I had to bake it in a toaster oven with a max temp at 450 and it still rocked. Thanks so much for a great recipe!
Anna@CrunchyCreamySweet says
Hi Stephanie! THANK YOU so much for this comment! I am so happy to know you and your kiddos love this pizza! It is always a hit in our house too. 😀 I am glad it worked in the toaster oven - great tip for others! Have a beautiful day! -Anna
Christiane says
Wow. Your husband rocks pizza, doesn't he. I think you guys make an outstanding team in the kitchen, that's for sure. Even though I'm from Chicago, I do love New York style pizza as well as my city's version. This looks awesome.
Anna@CrunchyCreamySweet says
Aww, thank you so much, Christiane! That's so kind of you! My Hubby enjoys making these tutorials and we have two new ones coming up! One of them is Chicago style! 🙂
Erin says
I have a serious craving for pizza right now. We will be trying these tips very soon. Great post!
Emily Bites says
Yum!! I can't wait to try this! I am a NY style pizza girl all the way. Thanks for the great tutorial!
Emily says
I'm always on the look out for a great pizza recipe, this one looks perfect… I can't wait to try it!
Anna@CrunchyCreamySweet says
Thanks, Emily!
Rachel says
I am completely craving pizza now! Great shots and tips!
Anna@CrunchyCreamySweet says
Thanks so much, Rachel!