Vanilla Sugar Cookie Dough Ice Cream - super easy homemade ice cream with bits of vanilla sugar cookie dough stirred right in!
What does a baker do in summer? Except, going crazy because you are not supposed to turn the oven on. Even though you are craving that banana bread like crazy. And brownies. And muffins.
You make ice cream.
Fantastic vanilla ice cream that does not require cooking a custard because there are no eggs involved in this treat. I will keep my eggs for the bread and muffins.
Then you take that ice cream and stop yourself from spooning the whole thing right into your mouth, but instead you stir in bits of your favorite funfetti sugar cookie dough (that you can't bake) right in. And then you blog about it.
Because you love to share your crazy sweet treat ideas.
Because you love to spread a little bit of sweet deliciousness into other people's lives.
Sweet vanilla ice cream with chunks of sugar cookie dough and sprinkles. Two treats in one!
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Vanilla Sugar Cookie Dough Ice Cream
!for the cookie dough:
- ¼ cup unsalted butter , softened
- ½ cup granulated sugar
- 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
- ¾ cup all-purpose flour
- ⅛ teaspoon salt
- ¼ cup funfetti (sprinkles)
!for the ice cream:
- 14 oz can sweetened condensed milk
- 1 cups half and half
- 1 cup heavy whipping cream
- 2 teaspoon vanilla extract
- Place butter in a large mixing bowl and mix on medium speed for 30 seconds. Add sugar and whip until light and fluffy.
- Add vanilla and mix for 5 seconds.
- Add all of the dry ingredients at once and mix on medium speed just until incorporated.
- Place the cookie dough into a medium bowl, cover and chill while you make ice cream.
- In a large mixing bowl, whisk together sweetened condensed milk, half and half and heavy whipping cream until well mixed. Add vanilla and whisk well.
- Cover the bowl with a plastic wrap and chill for 1 hour.
- Pour the ice cream mixture into your ice cream maker and churn according to the manufacturers direction.
- During the last 5 minutes of churning, drop small bits of the cookie dough into the ice cream.
- You can also stir them in along with more sprinkles after the churning is done. The ice cream will be soft serve consistency.
- Scrape the ice cream mixture into a container, cover and chill for at least 4 hours (preferably 8 hours to overnight) for more scoop-able consistency.
Other ice cream I made in this machine:
I also tried my Whipped Milk Ice Cream in the ice cream maker and it cut down on time significantly.
Annette says
I'd make vanilla with a vanilla bean.
G B says
coffee ice cream! My absolute favorite!
allie says
Definitely cookie dough ice cream
Dawn Lloyd says
I would make strawberry with fresh strawberries
Laura Ari says
I would make strawberry and blueberry ice cream!
nataly carbonell says
I will make lemon ice cream with cookies